January 23, 2003
"Why We Know Iraq is Lying" A Column by Dr. Condoleezza
Rice By Condoleezza Rice Originally appeared in
the New York Times on January 23, 2003
WASHINGTON. Eleven weeks after the United Nations Security
Council unanimously passed a resolution demanding yet again that
Iraq disclose and disarm all its nuclear, chemical and biological
weapons programs, it is appropriate to ask, "Has Saddam Hussein
finally decided to voluntarily disarm?" Unfortunately, the answer is
a clear and resounding no.
There is no mystery to voluntary disarmament.
Countries that decide to disarm lead inspectors to weapons and
production sites, answer questions before they are asked, state
publicly and often the intention to disarm and urge their citizens
to cooperate. The world knows from examples set by South Africa,
Ukraine and Kazakhstan what it looks like when a government decides
that it will cooperatively give up its weapons of mass destruction.
The critical common elements of these efforts include a high-level
political commitment to disarm, national initiatives to dismantle
weapons programs, and full cooperation and transparency.
In 1989 South Africa made the strategic decision to dismantle its
covert nuclear weapons program. It destroyed its arsenal of seven
weapons and later submitted to rigorous verification by the
International Atomic Energy Agency. Inspectors were given complete
access to all nuclear facilities (operating and defunct) and the
people who worked there. They were also presented with thousands of
documents detailing, for example, the daily operation of uranium
enrichment facilities as well as the construction and dismantling of
specific weapons.
Ukraine and Kazakhstan demonstrated a similar pattern of
cooperation when they decided to rid themselves of the nuclear
weapons, intercontinental ballistic missiles and heavy bombers
inherited from the Soviet Union. With significant assistance from
the United States warmly accepted by both countries disarmament was
orderly, open and fast. Nuclear warheads were returned to Russia.
Missile silos and heavy bombers were destroyed or dismantled once in
a ceremony attended by the American and Russian defense chiefs. In
one instance, Kazakhstan revealed the existence of a ton of highly
enriched uranium and asked the United States to remove it, lest it
fall into the wrong hands.
Iraq's behavior could not offer a starker contrast. Instead of a
commitment to disarm, Iraq has a high-level political commitment to
maintain and conceal its weapons, led by Saddam Hussein and his son
Qusay, who controls the Special Security Organization, which runs
Iraq's concealment activities. Instead of implementing national
initiatives to disarm, Iraq maintains institutions whose sole
purpose is to thwart the work of the inspectors. And instead of full
cooperation and transparency, Iraq has filed a false declaration to
the United Nations that amounts to a 12,200-page lie.
For example, the declaration fails to account for or explain
Iraq's efforts to get uranium from abroad, its manufacture of
specific fuel for ballistic missiles it claims not to have, and the
gaps previously identified by the United Nations in Iraq's
accounting for more than two tons of the raw materials needed to
produce thousands of gallons of anthrax and other biological
Iraq's declaration even resorted to unabashed plagiarism, with
lengthy passages of United Nations reports copied word-for-word (or
edited to remove any criticism of Iraq) and presented as original
text. Far from informing, the declaration is intended to cloud and
confuse the true picture of Iraq's arsenal. It is a reflection of
the regime's well-earned reputation for dishonesty and constitutes a
material breach of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1441,
which set up the current inspections program.
Unlike other nations that have voluntarily disarmed and in
defiance of Resolution 1441 Iraq is not allowing inspectors
"immediate, unimpeded, unrestricted access" to facilities and people
involved in its weapons program. As a recent inspection at the home
of an Iraqi nuclear scientist demonstrated, and other sources
confirm, material and documents are still being moved around in
farcical shell games. The regime has blocked free and unrestricted
use of aerial reconnaissance.
The list of people involved with weapons of mass destruction
programs, which the United Nations required Iraq to provide, ends
with those who worked in 1991 even though the United Nations had
previously established that the programs continued after that date.
Interviews with scientists and weapons officials identified by
inspectors have taken place only in the watchful presence of the
regime's agents. Given the duplicitous record of the regime, its
recent promises to do better can only be seen as an attempt to stall
for time.
Last week's finding by inspectors of 12 chemical warheads not
included in Iraq's declaration was particularly troubling. In the
past, Iraq has filled this type of warhead with sarin a deadly nerve
agent used by Japanese terrorists in 1995 to kill 12 Tokyo subway
passengers and sicken thousands of others. Richard Butler, the
former chief United Nations arms inspector, estimates that if a
larger type of warhead that Iraq has made and used in the past were
filled with VX (an even deadlier nerve agent) and launched at a
major city, it could kill up to one million people. Iraq has also
failed to provide United Nations inspectors with documentation of
its claim to have destroyed its VX stockpiles.
Many questions remain about Iraq's nuclear, chemical and
biological weapons programs and arsenal and it is Iraq's obligation
to provide answers. It is failing in spectacular fashion. By both
its actions and its inactions, Iraq is proving not that it is a
nation bent on disarmament, but that it is a nation with something
to hide. Iraq is still treating inspections as a game. It should
know that time is running out.
Condoleezza Rice is the National Security Adviser.