President Gives Iraq Update to Workers of Tank Plant in
Lima, Ohio Remarks by the President at Lima Army Tank
Plant - Lima, Ohio
2:13 P.M. EDT
THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all. Thank you all very much. Thank you
for the warm welcome. It's great to be in Lima. It is great to be
with the hardworking people -- (applause) -- the incredibly skilled
workers of the Lima Army Tank Plant.
I want to thank you for greeting me. I
want to thank you for giving me a chance to come and talk to you
about two things that are on my mind. The first think I want to talk
about is making sure that people in this country who want to work
can find a job. (Applause.)
We've been through some tough times here in America. We've had a
recession. And then we had an enemy attack us -- then we attacked
back. (Applause.) There's been the uncertainty, uncertainty of war
hanging over our heads. Then we had some of our corporate citizens
forget what it means to be a responsible citizen. And they didn't
tell the truth to employees and shareholders. We had to deal with
the corporate scandals that rocked the confidence of America.
But in spite of that, our economy is growing. In spite of that,
we're the best economy in the industrialized world. But we're not
growing fast enough. I don't like it when I hear stories about our
fellow Americans looking for work and can't find a job. And
therefore, I sent the Congress a package that will encourage
economic vitality and job growth, a package that starts with this
concept: that we need more demand for goods and services so our
people can find work. And the best way to encourage demand for goods
and services is let the people keep their hard-earned money in the
first place. (Applause.)
I put out a plan that says that a family of four making $40,000 a
year will have their taxes reduced from about $1,100 to $50.
(Applause.) That's a thousand more dollars in their pocket every
year, so they can spend, they can save, they can invest the way they
see fit. (Applause.)
I start with understanding whose money we're talking about. We're
not talking about the government's money in Washington, D.C., we're
talking about your money. And the best way to get this economy
started -- (applause.) The best way to make sure people can find
work is have an economic stimulus package that focuses on jobs. And
that's what I've sent to Congress. And for the sake of the American
workers, Congress, when they get back from that Easter break, needs
to pass a robust jobs creation program. (Applause.)
But I've also come here to talk about peace and security and
freedom. And this is a good place to talk about it. (Applause.) This
is a fine place, right here in Ohio, to talk about peace and
security. (Applause.) Because after all, it is in this facility that
has provided the American military with the most effective armored
vehicle in the history of warfare -- the might Abrams tank.
I'm here to thank you all for your service to our country, and
thank you for the vital contribution you have made to peace and
freedom. You see, we're determined in this country to overcome the
threat to our country, wherever they may gather. And each of you
have had a part in this mission. Each of you are a part to making
sure this country is strong enough to keep the peace.
In the liberation of Iraq, we've applied powerful weapons, like
the tank you build here, to strike our enemy with speed and
precision. In the use of the Abrams tank we have got a vehicle that
is the most safe vehicle for our fighting personnel, precise enough
to protect innocent lives. (Applause.)
Work is not done; there's still dangers and challenges to remain.
But one thing is certain: Saddam Hussein is no longer in power.
(Applause.) And thanks to the courage and might of our military,
America is more secure today. (Applause.) And thanks to the courage
and might of our military, the Iraqi people are free. (Applause.)
I appreciate Lt. Colonel Walsh for letting me come. (Laughter.)
He didn't have any choice. (Laughter.) I want to thank General
Thompson. I want to thank your plant manager, Gary King. I want to
thank the UAW local president, Jeff Monroe. (Applause.) I want to
thank all the workers who are here. (Applause.)
I want to thank you for bringing your families. I thank you for
showing your families what you have done to help make history, to
help make the world more peaceful. You tell your children when they
see the images of war on their TV sets that we take the action we
take, and you build the products you build, because we believe in
peace in America. We understand we have an obligation to keep our
nation secure. You build the weapons you build here because we love
freedom in this country. (Applause.)
I want to thank some elected officials who have come -- your
Governor and your Senator DeWine, and Congressman Oxley. Remember I
talked about how we had some citizens who forgot to be responsible
citizens when it came to whether or not they told the truth on the
books. We passed a bill called Sarbanes-Oxley, that said, if you
cook the books, you're going to be held to account. The Oxley of
Sarbanes-Oxley is with us today. And I want to thank Mike Oxley for
his good work on behalf of honest government. (Applause.)
And Congressman Turner is with us, and Congressman Gillmor, and
your Mayor -- your Mayor, as well as local officials. Thank you all
for coming. I'm honored to be here. (Applause.)
You see, it's a chance for me to remind the people of this
country that we're witnessing historic days in the cause of freedom.
This is a historic moment. Just over a month ago, not all that long
ago, a cruel dictator ruled a country, ruled Iraq by torture and
fear. His regime was allied with terrorists, and the regime was
armed with weapons of mass destruction. Today, that regime is no
more. (Applause.)
We have applied our might in the name of peace, and in the name
of freedom. That's why we applied our might. We gave our word that
the threat from Iraq would be ended. And with the support of allies,
and because of the bravery of our Armed Forces, we have kept our
word. (Applause.)
Last year, one of the first preparations for possible war -- one
of the first parts of our planning for war came when General Tommy
Franks -- from Midland, Texas I want you to know -- (applause) --
went to the same high school as First Lady Laura Bush did.
(Applause.) Who, by the way, sends her love, and her best.
(Applause.) Tommy Franks asked one of the first requests in
preparation for possible war was that we send 1,200 Abrams tanks to
the field. That was one of the first decisions that Tommy made.
(Applause.) And when the war came, in the initial stages of that
war, units equipped with Abrams tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles
lead the charge, were first in as we crossed into Iraq to free the
people of that country. (Applause.)
When our coalition met fierce resistance in an Nasiriyah, and on
the way up south to north, our armored forces answered decisively.
The tanks built right here in Lima, Ohio, charged through elements
of the dictator's Republican Guards, led the forces of a liberation
into the heart of Iraq, and rolled all the way into downtown
Baghdad. (Applause.) Throughout the campaign, our enemy learned that
when Abrams tanks are on the battlefield, America means business.
Our edge in warfare comes, in part, from the American spirit of
enterprise -- no question about that. From great companies, and
great workers, like you all. During the fighting in Iraq, tank
commanders sent word that they needed better ways to protect the
Abrams exhaust systems from enemy fire. During the battle, word came
back from Iraq, right here to Lima. And so engineers and machinists,
pipefitters and welders and packers and transportation specialists
of this plant went straight to work. (Applause.)
Within a week, you had a new part designed and manufactured and
the first kits to deal with that problem shipped to Iraq. When our
soldiers and Marines needed you most, when the pressure was on, you
came through. And America is grateful. (Applause.)
I understand that one welder here, Mark Springer, had a
especially strong interest in completing the project, to making sure
the Abrams were able to fulfill their mission. You see, his son,
Joshua, is serving in Iraq as an Abrams tank commander. (Applause.)
I thank Mark for his service. And the next time, Mark, you
communicate with Josh, you tell him the Commander-in-Chief came to
Lima to say how proud I am of his service, and the others' service
to our country. (Applause.)
I've seen buttons with pictures of troops on the shirts of Moms
and Dads and loved ones. I want to thank you all for your prayers
for the safety of our troops. I want to thank you for your love of
your children. They need to know, over there in combat, that people
here at home love them. I want to thank you for your patience, and
just let you know they'll be home when the mission is complete.
The mission is not complete. Our forces still face danger in
Iraq. Our enemy is scattered, but they're still capable of doing
harm. But we're not going to lose our focus. We're going to press on
until the mission is complete. (Applause.)
In any conflict, America's greatest single asset is the character
of the men and women who wear our uniform. In Iraq, they have shown
us once again that powerful weapons are a great advantage in modern
warfare, but courage is still decisive. (Applause.) Some of the
bravest have been lost to us and to their families. Some of the best
have not returned home. And we will never forget their sacrifice.
In Iraq, we are defending this nation's security. After the
attacks of September the 11th, 2001, we will not allow grave threats
to go unopposed. (Applause.) We are now working to locate and
destroy Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. (Applause.)
Iraqis with firsthand knowledge of these programs, including
several top officials who have come forward recently -- some
voluntarily -- (laughter) -- others not -- (laughter) -- are
beginning to cooperate, are beginning to let us know what the facts
were on the ground. And that's important because the regime of
Saddam Hussein spent years hiding and disguising his weapons. He
tried to fool the United Nations, and did for 12 years, by hiding
these weapons. (Applause.) And so, it's going to take time to find
them. But we know he had them. And whether he destroyed them, moved
them, or hid them, we're going to find out the truth. And one thing
is for certain: Saddam Hussein no longer threatens America with
weapons of mass destruction. (Applause.)
We're not only in Iraq to protect our security, we're also
showing that we value the lives and the liberty of the Iraqi people.
(Applause.) We're pressing forward with the critical work of relief
and reconstruction in that country. And the work will be difficult.
You see, Iraq is recovering not just from weeks of conflict, but
from decades of totalitarian rule. The dictator built palaces in a
country that needed hospitals. He spent money on illegal weapons,
not on the education of the Iraqi children, or food for the Iraqi
people. Statues of the man have been pulled down. (Applause.) But
the fear and suspicion he instilled in the people will take longer
to pass away.
Yet I have faith in the Iraqi people. They have the resources,
the talent, and the desire to live in peace and freedom. And in the
hard work of building a free Iraq, they will have a consistent
friend in the United States of America. (Applause.)
We have sent teams of people over to Iraq to make sure that they
have adequate food. We're restoring electricity. We're making sure
the hospitals are full of medicine and staffed with people to help
the people of that country.
I sent a good man to help the Iraqi people -- Retired General Jay
Garner, sent him to Iraq. And he arrived in Baghdad just this week.
You see, it wasn't all that long ago that our tanks were in Baghdad.
(Applause.) It may seem like a lot of time -- there's a lot on our
TV screens -- but it wasn't all that long ago that the people got
the first whiff of freedom. And now we followed up with a team of
people, headed by this man, Garner, who's got one overriding goal,
to leave a free nation in the hands of a free people. That is our
goal in Iraq. (Applause.)
Our mission -- besides removing the regime that threatened us,
besides ending a place where the terrorists could find a friend,
besides getting rid of weapons of mass destruction -- our mission
has been to bring a humanitarian aid and restore basic services, and
put this country, Iraq, on the road to self- government. And we'll
stay as long as it takes to complete our mission. And then all our
forces are going to leave Iraq and come home. (Applause.)
And we're making progress. There's tangible, visible progress on
the ground there in Iraq. Step by step, the citizens of that country
are reclaiming their own country. They're identifying former
officials who are guilty of crimes. That deck of cards seems to be
getting complete over time. (Laughter.) They're volunteering for
citizens patrols to provide security in the cities. They're
beginning to understand that they need to step up and be responsible
citizens if they want to live in peace and a free society.
Many Iraqis are now reviving religious rituals which were
forbidden by the old regime. See, a free society honors religion. A
free society is a society which believes in the freedom of religion.
And many Iraqis are now -- (applause.) Many Iraqis are now speaking
their mind in public. That's a good sign. (Laughter.) That means a
new day has come in Iraq. When Saddam was the dictator, and you
spoke your mind he would cut out your tongue and leave you to bleed
to death in a town square. No fooling. That's how he dealt with
Today, in Iraq, there's discussion, debate, protest, all the
hallmarks of liberty. (Laughter and applause.) The path to freedom
may not always be neat and orderly, but it is the right of every
person and every nation. This country believes that freedom is God's
gift to every individual on the face of the Earth. (Applause.)
Last week there was an historic gathering that occurred in the
city of al Nasiriyah, where Iraqis met openly and freely to discuss
the future of their country. And out of that meeting came this
declaration by the Iraqis that were there: Iraq must be democratic.
And that's the goal, the commitment of the United States and our
coalition partners -- Iraq must be democratic. And as new Iraqi
leaders begin to emerge, we'll work with them. One thing is certain:
We will not impose a government on Iraq. We will help that nation
build a government of, by, and for the Iraqi people. (Applause.)
Our country and our good allies are working to create the
conditions for lasting peace. We're aiding the advance of peace by
seeking the advance of freedom. Free societies do not nurture
bitterness, or the ideologies of terror and murder. Free societies
are founded on the belief that every life has equal value. Free
societies -- free societies turn creative gifts of men and women
toward progress and the betterment of their own lives. American
interests and American founding beliefs lead in the same direction.
We stand for human liberty. (Applause.)
This past month has been a time of testing for our country. And
the American people have responded with resolve and strength and
optimism. Whatever challenges may come, we can be confident our
nation is strong, our purpose is firm, and our cause is just.
Thank you for coming. May God bless you, and may God bless
America. (Applause.)