For Immediate Release April 29, 2003
Global Message
Iraqis are moving toward democracy and embracing the
responsibilities of active citizenship. Every day, life in Iraq
improves as Coalition troops work to secure unsafe areas and bring
food and medical care to those in need.
The work of building a new Iraq will take time. That nation is
recovering not just from weeks of conflict, but from decades of
totalitarian rule.
We are dispatching teams across Iraq to assess the critical needs
of the Iraqi people. We're clearing land mines and working to
recover artifacts looted from the National Museum of Antiquities in
Iraqi citizens are working closely with Coalition troops to
restore order to their cities and improve the life of their nation.
Our engineers are meeting with Iraqi engineers, more Iraqis are
getting the electricity they need, and we're working to make Iraq's
drinking water clean and dependable.
We're working to give every Iraqi access to immunizations and
emergency treatment, and giving health care to sick children and
pregnant women.
Because Iraq is now free, economic sanctions are pointless. It is
time for the United Nations to lift the sanctions so the Iraqi
people can use some resources to build their own prosperity.
As freedom takes hold, the Iraqi people will choose their own
leaders and government. America has no intention of imposing our
form of government or our culture. Yet we will ensure that all
Iraqis have a voice in the new government and all citizens have
their rights protected.
Iraq can be an example of peace and prosperity and freedom to the
entire Middle East. It will be a hard journey, but Iraq will have a
steady friend in the American people.