For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
April 4, 2005
President Presents Medal of Honor to Sergeant First Class Paul Ray Smith
The East Room
3:07 P.M. EDT
THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon and welcome to the White House.
Today is a special occasion: We are here to pay tribute to a soldier
whose service illustrates the highest ideals of leadership and love of
our country.
Sergeant First Class Paul Ray Smith, of Florida, gave his life for
these ideals in a deadly battle outside Baghdad. It is my great
privilege to recognize his extraordinary sacrifice by awarding Sergeant
Smith the Medal of Honor.
I appreciate Secretary Don Rumsfeld joining us today; Secretary Jim
Nicholson, of the Department of Veterans Affairs; Senator Carl Levin,
Senator Bill Nelson, Senator Mel Martinez, Senator Johnny Isakson and
Congressman Ike Skelton. Thank you all for joining us.
I appreciate Secretary Francis Harvey, Secretary of the Army;
General Dick Myers, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; General Pete
Pace, Vice Chairman; General Pete Schoomaker, Chief of the Army.
I want to thank the Medal of Honor recipients who have joined us
today: John Baker, Barney Barnum, Bernie Fisher, Al Rascon and Brian
Thacker. Honored you all are here.
I appreciate the family members who have joined us today. Thank you
all for coming: Birgit Smith, his wife; Jessica Smith; David Smith;
Janice Pvirre, the mom; Donald Pvirre, stepfather, and all the other
family members who have joined us. Welcome.
I appreciate Chaplain David Hicks, for his invocation. I want to
thank Lieutenant Colonel Tom Smith, for joining us, who was Paul
Smith's commander. I particularly want to welcome soldiers from the
3rd Infantry Division, Paul's unit in Iraq.
The Medal of Honor is the highest award for bravery a President can
bestow. It is given for gallantry above and beyond the call of duty in
the face of enemy attack. Since World War II, more than half of those
have been awarded this medal gave their lives in the action that earned
it. Sergeant Paul Smith belongs to this select group.
The story of Paul Smith is a story of a boy transformed into a man
and a leader. His friends and family will tell you that he joined the
Army in 1989, after finishing high school. When he joined the Army, he
was a typical young American. He liked sports, he liked fast cars, and
he liked to stay out late with his friends -- pursuits that
occasionally earned him what the Army calls "extra duty." (Laughter.)
Scrubbing floors.
Two things would change Paul's life and lead him to the selfless
heroism we honor today. The first would come when he was stationed in
Germany and fell for a woman named Birgit Bacher. It turns out that
Paul had a romantic streak in him: On the first night he met her, Paul
appeared outside Birgit's window singing "You've Lost That Loving
Feeling." (Laughter.) In 1992, the two married, and soon, a young
soldier became a devoted family man who played T-ball with his son and
taught his daughter how to change the oil in his Jeep Cherokee.
Second great change in Paul's life would come when he shipped off
to Saudi Arabia to fight in the first Gulf War. There the young combat
engineer learned that his training had a purpose and could save lives
on the battlefield. Paul returned from that war determined that other
soldiers would benefit from the lessons he had learned.
Paul earned his sergeant's stripes and became known as a stickler
for detail. Sergeant Smith's seriousness wasn't always appreciated by
the greener troops under his direction. Those greener troops
oftentimes found themselves to do tasks over and over again, until they
got it right. Specialist Michael Seaman, who is with us today, says,
"He was hard in training because he knew we had to be hard in battle."
Specialist Seaman will also tell you that he and others are alive today
because of Sergeant Smith's discipline.
That discipline would be put to the task in a small courtyard less
than a mile from the Baghdad airport. Sergeant Smith was leading about
three dozen men who were using a courtyard next to a watchtower to
build a temporary jail for captured enemy prisoners. As they were
cleaning the courtyard, they were surprised by about a hundred of
Saddam Hussein's Republican Guard.
With complete disregard for his own life and under constant enemy
fire, Sergeant Smith rallied his men and led a counterattack. Seeing
that his wounded men were in danger of being overrun, and that enemy
fire from the watchtower had pinned them down, Sergeant Smith manned a
50-caliber machine gun atop a damaged armor vehicle. From a completely
exposed position, he killed as many as 50 enemy soldiers as he
protected his men.
Sergeant Smith's leadership saved the men in the courtyard, and he
prevented an enemy attack on the aid station just up the road.
Sergeant Smith continued to fire and took a -- until he took a fatal
round to the head. His actions in that courtyard saved the lives of
more than 100 American soldiers.
Scripture tells us, as the General said, that a man has no greater
love than to lay down his life for his friends. And that is exactly
the responsibility Paul Smith believed the Sergeant stripes on his
sleeve had given him. In a letter he wrote to his parents but never
mailed, he said that he was prepared to "give all that I am to ensure
that all my boys make it home."
On this day two years ago, Sergeant Smith gave his all for his
men. Five days later, Baghdad fell, and the Iraqi people were
liberated. And today, we bestow upon Sergeant Smith the first Medal of
Honor in the war on terror. He's also the first to be awarded this new
Medal of Honor flag, authorized by the United States Congress. We
count ourselves blessed to have soldiers like Sergeant Smith, who put
their lives on the line to advance the cause of freedom and protect the
American people.
Like every one of the men and women in uniform who have served in
Operation Iraqi Freedom, Sergeant Paul Smith was a volunteer. We thank
his family for the father, husband and son and brother who can never be
replaced. We recall with appreciation the fellow soldiers whose lives
he saved, and the many more he inspired. And we express our gratitude
for a new generation of Americans, every bit as selfless and dedicated
to liberty as any that has gone on before -- a dedication exemplified
by the sacrifice and valor of Sergeant First Class Paul Ray Smith.
And now if his family would join me, please. Lieutenant Commander,
please read the citation.
(The citation is read and the medal is presented.) (Applause.)
END 3:17 P.M. EDT