Репрессии Саддама Хуссейна против народа Ирака
688 (April 5, 1991) "condemns" Saddam Hussein's repression of the Iraqi
civilian population -- "the consequences of which threaten
international peace and security." UNSCR 688 also requires Saddam
Hussein to end his repression of the Iraqi people and to allow
immediate access to international humanitarian organizations to help
those in need of assistance. Saddam Hussein has repeatedly violated
these provisions and has: expanded his violence against women and
children; continued his horrific torture and execution of innocent
Iraqis; continued to violate the basic human rights of the Iraqi people
and has continued to control all sources of information (including
killing more than 500 journalists and other opinion leaders in the past
decade). Saddam Hussein has also harassed humanitarian aid workers;
expanded his crimes against Muslims; he has withheld food from families
that fail to offer their children to his regime; and he has continued
to subject Iraqis to unfair imprisonment.
Refusal to Admit Human Rights Monitors
- The
UN Commission on Human Rights and the UN General Assembly issued a
report that noted "with dismay" the lack of improvement in the
situation of human rights in Iraq. The report strongly criticized the
"systematic, widespread, and extremely grave violations of human
rights" and of international humanitarian law by the Iraqi Government,
which it stated resulted in "all-pervasive repression and oppression
sustained by broad-based discrimination and widespread terror." The
report called on the Iraqi Government to fulfill its obligations under
international human rights treaties.
- Saddam
Hussein has repeatedly refused visits by human rights monitors and the
establishment of independent human rights organizations. From 1992
until 2002, Saddam prevented the UN Special Rapporteur from visiting
- In September 2001 the Government expelled six UN humanitarian relief workers without providing any explanation.
Violence Against Women
- Human
rights organizations and opposition groups continued to receive reports
of women who suffered from severe psychological trauma after being
raped by Iraqi personnel while in custody.
- Former
Mukhabarat member Khalid Al-Janabi reported that a Mukhabarat unit, the
Technical Operations Directorate, used rape and sexual assault in a
systematic and institutionalized manner for political purposes. The
unit reportedly also videotaped the rape of female relatives of
suspected oppositionists and used the videotapes for blackmail purposes
and to ensure their future cooperation.
- In
June 2000, a former Iraqi general reportedly received a videotape of
security forces raping a female family member. He subsequently received
a telephone call from an intelligence agent who stated that another
female relative was being held and warned him to stop speaking out
against the Iraqi Government.
- Iraqi security forces allegedly raped women who were captured during the Anfal Campaign and during the occupation of Kuwait.
- Amnesty International reported that, in October 2000, the Iraqi Government executed dozens of women accused of prostitution.
- In
May, the Iraqi Government reportedly tortured to death the mother of
three Iraqi defectors for her children's opposition activities.
- Iraqi
security agents reportedly decapitated numerous women and men in front
of their family members. According to Amnesty International, the
victims' heads were displayed in front of their homes for several days.
- Iraqi
security services routinely and systematically torture detainees.
According to former prisoners, torture techniques included branding,
electric shocks administered to the genitals and other areas, beating,
pulling out of fingernails, burning with hot irons and blowtorches,
suspension from rotating ceiling fans, dripping acid on the skin, rape,
breaking of limbs, denial of food and water, extended solitary
confinement in dark and extremely small compartments, and threats to
rape or otherwise harm family members and relatives. Evidence of such
torture often was apparent when security forces returned the mutilated
bodies of torture victims to their families.
- According
to a report received by the UN Special Rapporteur in 1998, hundreds of
Kurds and other detainees have been held without charge for close to
two decades in extremely harsh conditions, and many of them have been
used as subjects in Iraq's illegal experimental chemical and biological
weapons programs.
- In
2000, the authorities reportedly introduced tongue amputation as a
punishment for persons who criticize Saddam Hussein or his family, and
on July 17, government authorities reportedly amputated the tongue of a
person who allegedly criticized Saddam Hussein. Authorities reportedly
performed the amputation in front of a large crowd. Similar tongue
amputations also reportedly occurred.
- Refugees
fleeing to Europe often reported instances of torture to receiving
governments, and displayed scars and mutilations to substantiate their
- In August 2001 Amnesty International released a report entitled Iraq -- Systematic Torture of Political Prisoners,
which detailed the systematic and routine use of torture against
suspected political opponents and, occasionally, other prisoners.
Amnesty International also reports "Detainees have also been threatened
with bringing in a female relative, especially the wife or the mother,
and raping her in front of the detainee. Some of these threats have
been carried out."
- Saad
Keis Naoman, an Iraqi soccer player who defected to Europe, reported
that he and his teammates were beaten and humiliated at the order of
Uday Saddam Hussein for poor performances. He was flogged until his
back was bloody, forcing him to sleep on his stomach in the tiny cell
in Al-Radwaniya prison.
Executions and Repression of Political Opposition
- Former
UN Human Rights Special Rapporteur Max Van der Stoel's report in April
1998 stated that Iraq had executed at least 1,500 people during the
previous year for political reasons.
- The
government continues to execute summarily alleged political opponents
and leaders in the Shi'a religious community. Reports suggest that
persons were executed merely because of their association with an
opposition group or as part of a continuing effort to reduce prison
- In February 2001, the Government reportedly executed 37 political detainees for opposition activity.
- In
June 2001, security forces killed a Shi'a cleric, Hussein Bahar
al-Uloom, for refusing to appear on television to congratulate Qusay
Saddam Hussein for his election to a Ba'th Party position. Such
killings continue an apparent government policy of eliminating
prominent Shi'a clerics who are suspected of disloyalty to the
government. In 1998 and 1999, the Government killed a number of leading
Shi'a clerics, prompting the former Special Rapporteur in 1999 to
express his concern to the government that the killings might be part
of a systematic attack by government officials on the independent
leadership of the Shi'a Muslim community. The government did not
respond to the Special Rapporteur's letter.
- There are persistent reports that families are made to pay for the cost of executions.
- Saddam Hussein destroyed the southern Iraqi town of Albu 'Aysh sometime between September 1998 and December 1999.
- Iraq
has conducted a systematic "Arabization" campaign of ethnic cleansing
designed to harass and expel ethnic Kurds and Turkmen from
government-controlled areas. Non-Arab citizens are forced to change
their ethnicity or their identity documents and adopt Arab names, or
they are deprived of their homes, property and food-ration cards, and
Saddam Hussein's Abuse of Children
- Saddam
Hussein has held 3-week training courses in weapons use, hand-to-hand
fighting, rappelling from helicopters, and infantry tactics for
children between 10 and 15 years of age. Camps for these "Saddam Cubs"
operated throughout the country. Senior military officers who
supervised the courses noted that the children held up under the
"physical and psychological strain" of training that lasted for as long
as 14 hours each day. Sources in the opposition report that the army
found it difficult to recruit enough children to fill all of the
vacancies in the program. Families reportedly were threatened with the
loss of their food ration cards if they refused to enroll their
children in the course. The Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution
in Iraq reported in October 1999 that authorities were denying food
ration cards to families that failed to send their young sons to Saddam
Cubs compulsory weapons-training camps. Similarly, authorities
reportedly withheld school examination results to students unless they
registered in the Fedayeen Saddam organization.
- Iraq
often announces food ration cuts for the general population, blaming US
or UK actions. Among the most controversial have been cuts in baby milk
rations. Iraq has blamed the shortages on US and UK contract
rejections, although the UN has approved all baby milk contracts
- Child labor persists and there are instances of forced labor.
- There
are widespread reports that food and medicine that could have been made
available to the general public, including children, have been
stockpiled in warehouses or diverted for the personal use of some
government officials.
- Amnesty
International reported that Iraq has the world's worst record for
numbers of persons who have disappeared or remain unaccounted for.
- In
1999, the UN Special Rapporteur stated that Iraq remains the country
with the highest number of disappearances known to the UN: over 16,000.
Basic Freedoms: Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, Freedom of Information
- In
practice, Saddam Hussein does not permit freedom of speech or of the
press, and does not tolerate political dissent in areas under its
control. In November 2000, the UN General Assembly criticized Saddam
Hussein's "suppression of freedom of thought, expression, information,
association, and assembly." The Special Rapporteur stated in October
1999 that citizens lived "in a climate of fear," in which whatever they
said or did, particularly in the area of politics, involved "the risk
of arrest and interrogation by the police or military intelligence." He
noted that "the mere suggestion that someone is not a supporter of the
President carries the prospect of the death penalty."
- In
June 2001, the Human Rights Alliance reported that Saddam Hussein had
killed more than 500 journalists and other intellectuals in the past
- Saddam
Hussein frequently infringes on citizens' constitutional right to
privacy. Saddam routinely ignores constitutional provisions designed to
protect the confidentiality of mail, telegraphic correspondence, and
telephone conversations. Iraq periodically jams news broadcasts from
outside the country, including those of opposition groups. The security
services and the Ba'th Party maintain pervasive networks of informers
to deter dissident activity and instill fear in the public.
- Foreign
journalists must work from offices located within the Iraqi ministry
building and are accompanied everywhere they go by ministry officers,
who reportedly restrict their movements and make it impossible for them
to interact freely with citizens.
- The
Iraqi Government, the Ba'th Party, or persons close to Saddam Hussein
own all print and broadcast media, and operate them as propaganda
outlets. They generally do not report opposing points of view that are
expressed either domestically or abroad.
- In
September 1999, Hashem Hasan, a journalist and Baghdad University
professor, was arrested after declining an appointment as editor of one
of Uday Hussein's publications. The Paris-based Reporters Sans
Frontieres (RSF) sent a letter of appeal to Uday Hussein; however,
Hassan's fate and whereabouts remained unknown at year's end.
- Saddam
Hussein regularly jams foreign news broadcasts. Satellite dishes,
modems, and fax machines are banned, although some restrictions
reportedly were lifted in 1999.
- In
government-operated Internet cafes, users only are permitted to view
web sites provided by the Ministry of Culture and Information.
- In
1999, Uday Hussein reportedly dismissed hundreds of members of the
Iraqi Union of Journalists for not praising Saddam Hussein and the
Government sufficiently.
Withholding of Food
- Relatives
who do not report deserters may lose their ration cards for purchasing
government-controlled food supplies, be evicted from their residences,
or face the arrest of other family members. The Supreme Council for the
Islamic Revolution in Iraq reported in October and December 1999 that
authorities denied food ration cards to families that failed to send
their young sons to the "Saddam's Cubs" compulsory weapons training
Crimes Against Muslims
- The
Government consistently politicizes and interferes with religious
pilgrimages, both of Iraqi Muslims who wish to make the Hajj to Mecca
and Medina and of Iraqi and non-Iraqi Muslim pilgrims who travel to
holy sites within the country. For example, in 1998 the UN Sanctions
Committee offered to disburse vouchers for travel and expenses to
pilgrims making the Hajj; however, the Government rejected this offer.
In 1999 the Sanctions Committee offered to disburse funds to cover
Hajj-related expenses via a neutral third party; the Government again
rejected the offer. Following the December 1999 passage of UN Security
Council Resolution 1284, the Sanctions Committee again sought to devise
a protocol to facilitate the payment for individuals making the
journey. The Sanctions Committee proposed to issue $250 in cash and
$1,750 in travelers checks to each individual pilgrim to be distributed
at the U.N. office in Baghdad in the presence of both U.N. and Iraqi
officials. The Government again declined and, consequently, no Iraqi
pilgrims were able to take advantage of the available funds or, in
2000, of the permitted flights. The Government continued to insist that
these funds would be accepted only if they were paid in cash to the
government-controlled central bank, not to the Hajj pilgrims.
than 95 percent of the population of Iraq are Muslim. The
(predominantly Arab) Shi'a Muslims constitute a 60 to 65 percent
- The
Iraqi government has for decades conducted a brutal campaign of murder,
summary execution, and protracted arbitrary arrest against the
religious leaders and followers of the majority Shi'a Muslim
population. Despite nominal legal protection of religious equality, the
Government has repressed severely the Shi'a clergy and those who follow
the Shi'a faith.
- Forces
from the Mukhabarat, General Security (Amn Al-Amm), the Military
Bureau, Saddam's Commandos (Fedayeen Saddam), and the Ba'th Party have
killed senior Shi'a clerics, desecrated Shi'a mosques and holy sites,
and interfered with Shi'a religious education. Security agents
reportedly are stationed at all the major Shi'a mosques and shrines,
where they search, harass, and arbitrarily arrest worshipers.
- The
following government restrictions on religious rights remained in
effect during 2001: restrictions and outright bans on communal Friday
prayer by Shi'a Muslims; restrictions on the loaning of books by Shi'a
mosque libraries; a ban on the broadcast of Shi'a programs on
government-controlled radio or television; a ban on the publication of
Shi'a books, including prayer books and guides; a ban on funeral
processions other than those organized by the Government; a ban on
other Shi'a funeral observances such as gatherings for Koran reading;
and the prohibition of certain processions and public meetings that
commemorate Shi'a holy days. Shi'a groups report that they captured
documents from the security services during the 1991 uprising that
listed thousands of forbidden Shi'a religious writings.
- In
June 1999, several Shi'a opposition groups reported that the Government
instituted a program in the predominantly Shi'a districts of Baghdad
that used food ration cards to restrict where individuals could pray.
The ration cards, part of the UN oil-for-food program, reportedly are
checked when the bearer enters a mosque and are printed with a notice
of severe penalties for those who attempt to pray at an unauthorized
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